Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Orrin Hatch: Doesn't know what smearing is but knows it when he hears rumors of it.

Senator Hatch is jumping to Ricci's defense from the liberal smear machines. According to the New Haven Independent:

During a break in the senatorial grilling, Hatch was asked what he meant by Ricci being “smeared.”

“I’m not quite sure,” replied Hatch. “I just heard that they were smearing. Plus I’ve seen some comments about trying to make his dyslexia an issue because of the Americans with Disabilities Act.”

"I just heard they were smearing."? Seriously? You can't do better than that?

The article also quotes Sen. Hatch as saying:

“He deserves a lot of credit, but they’re trying to make it seem like he’s just a pussyfoot” who complains when he doesn’t get promoted or hired, said Hatch.

I am going to ignore the word pussyfoot, I think it doesn't mean what Sen. Hatch thinks it means. says that when used as a noun it means " a person with a catlike, or soft and stealthy, tread." I won't use that word to describe a guy who goes around suing when he doesn't get his own way. I'd use a different word. I think it is fair to question a guy who first uses a discrimination lawsuit to get a job and then uses a reverse discrimination suit to get a promotion at said job. First it was the dyslexia, then his whiteness?

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