Friday, May 6, 2011

Why I'll be writing about food

If you know me, you know I love food. So it really can't be much of a surprise that I am going to be writing about food.

A few months ago, I learned that I couldn't eat gluten anymore. Gluten was the source of years of digestive chaos. During the first few weeks of being gluten free, I had been doing a lot of reading and talking about being GF.  A few people had mentioned the idea that genetically modified foods were contributing to the increase food allergies.  The day the third person said this to me I came across this video in either my facebook or twitter feed. After watching the video, I started following Robyn on twitter.  I have learned so much about genetically modified foods and other food issues from her tweets.  Her book is in my To Be Read pile (TBR).  Her foundation - Allergy Kids - has a great section called "Do One Thing" with simple ideas for reducing genetically modified or chemical foods in your life.  Check it out.

We are starting to eliminate genetically modified food from our house and our lives.  The first step is to switch to as much organic as we can find and afford. As part of that effort, I am looking for local food.  One of the first things I want to find is a potato crop I can buy a share of.  I suspect it is too late in the year to get one this year.  I am hoping to at least get a good supply of potatoes.  My second goal is to buy a portion of a grass fed well cared for cow.  I am thinking about buying a cow through our local county fair.  I'll need at least 2 if not 3 families to go in on the cow with me. To be honest, I don't know anything about buying a cow.

 Local Harvest is a great web site for finding local food.  I have found a few farms that offer potatoes in the region. I am pretty close to picking a CSA to participate in (and to finding one that will let us join this late).  

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